the chaos


"The Chaos" is an event triggered by Moco's disappearance, when an enigmatic figure known as the Keeper takes advantage of the situation to transform the world into a chaotic, yet amusing game.

In this scenario, players will have the opportunity to participate in a global vote to select different events that will occur during Free Fire matches.

The events receiving the most votes will be implemented immediately in the game and will continue for several weeks. Players who participate in the event will have the chance to receive various rewards.

the production

Throughout the development of "The Chaos" we went through various stages.

From the pre-production onwards, there was a great synergy between the teams at Notan and Garena, which was crucial to bringing the film to life. Additionally, the artists played a crucial role in developing ideas to turn the scenes into complete chaos.

Working on such a dynamic and fun project was quite a journey.


miHoYo - Zenless Zero Zone "A Cup of Tin Master Special"


Nutro - Tale of Two Farms